Hey there, lovely lady! Are you looking for ways to take control of your home and make your home more organized and streamlined? Well, you're in the right place because I have a ton of tips to share with you that you can start doing today. Let's get started!
Tips to Help Your Home Be More Organized Now
Tip 1: Do a Clean Sweep for Trash
Many homes that suffer from clutter have trash that hasn’t made it to the bin. An easy and immediate way to get control of the chaos is to clear trash from every room in the home. You can easily enlist your family and get things done even faster. Clearing out the trash is an immediate gratification activity that will help you feel calmer and more organized in your home.
Tip 2: Likes with Likes
If you’re faced with a lot of clutter and you don’t know quite what to do, make piles. Gather like items into groups and make piles that you can then relocate to their proper places. Pile papers together that you can relocate, toss, or sort through. Pile clothing items that can be taken to the laundry or bedroom. The quick act of gathering items together into piles can reduce the amount of clutter and somewhat organize the chaos.
Tip 3: Keep, Give Away, and Throw Away
Sort everything into 3 piles: Keep, Give away, and Throw away
Keep- Keep items that you love, use regularly, and find value in.
Give away- Give away items that you no longer need or use, but could be of value to someone else.
Throw away- Toss items that are broken, worn out, or no longer have any value at all.
Tip: Ask yourself these questions when making decisions about which pile an item should go into:* Is it something I love?* Will I use this regularly?* Does it add value to my life in some way?
Tip 4: Tackle One Space
Sometimes all you need is to tackle one space at a time. If your whole environment feels too much to organize, start with one manageable space. Remove clutter, clean, organize, and update décor if you’d like. Focusing on one space at a time makes it easier to regain control. Once you’ve completed one space, you’re ready to tackle another.
Tip 5: Use Storage Solutions
Storage solutions can be a lifesaver when it comes to organization. Invest in storage bins, baskets, and containers to help keep your belongings sorted and easy to find. Hanging organizers can also be useful for things like jewelry, hats, and scarves. A good place to look for storage solutions is Dollar Tree. They have lots of options with many choices in neutral colors and you can get organized without spending a small fortune.
Tip 6: Minimize Paper Clutter
Paper clutter can accumulate quickly and easily in any home. Take the time to sort through your mail and important documents, and create a system for organizing them. File important papers in a drawer or folder, and consider setting up paperless billing and statements when possible.
Tip 7: Get a Buddy
Sometimes it’s helpful to have someone tackle things with you. Tag teaming the chaos can get things under control quickly. A partner can also help move furniture, distribute chores, and make things fun. Having someone to help makes big tasks seem easier to manage. From deciding what to keep and what to get rid of, to choosing new paint for the walls, a buddy can be a very helpful teammate.
With these tips, your home will be more organized and easier to maintain in no time. Remember to always be kind to yourself, take things one step at a time, and don't be afraid to ask for help when needed. Remember this if you get hit with being overwhelmed: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. You’ve got this!
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