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Can I be real with you? I like sweet things. I don’t like eating a lot of sweets but I have a sweet tooth that just “requires” being indulged now and then. Do you have the same problem? I’m going out on a limb here and guessing I’m not alone. Roughly sixty percent of the American population consumes dessert after a meal at least once every week. Of those sixty percent of Americans, nearly forty percent indulge in cookies, ice cream, or gelato.
Here is the problem with my sweet tooth’s “requirements”, the rest of my body DOES NOT LIKE SUGAR! This leads to a great battle over who will win the war today: sweet tooth or the rest of me.
Here is the thing about sugar, the more processed it is, the harder it is for your body to process. Let me be really clear here: I am not a doctor, a dietician, or in the medical field. What I am is the daughter of a woman with a MAJOR sweet tooth. Mom LOVED anything sweet and she hated being in the kitchen.
When I was 10 I joined a club for boys and girls, similar to Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts. We earned badges and I clearly remember happily earning my Baking badge and Bread Making badge. This opened a door for me that would have stayed closed otherwise.
Mom was over the moon because she got treats and didn’t have to make them and I, as a budding baker, got to make whatever I wanted. There was just one problem, at least for me; Mom was also a health nut.
She didn’t like using refined sugars, white flour, or eggs, Mom lived way before her time. Since I was the one baking and she was the one shopping I had to learn real quick how to use alternatives. Back then alternatives were very limited, unlike today.
Now we know that eating too much junk food puts you at risk for heart disease and obesity as many desserts are high in calories, sodium, and saturated fats. Simply swapping them out for a healthier alternative can make you feel better and even improve your sleep, as many desserts are eaten before bedtime, though I don’t recommend this.
Before we jump to healthy dessert swaps, let's look at healthier sugar options. If we are being honest, most of us have a favorite dessert. You can always try modifying that dessert to a healthier version. A simple way to do that is by swapping your refined sugar for a less refine option. My two favorites are date sugar and sucanat.
Date Sugar
Date sugar is exactly what you would think it to be, made of dates. The dates are dehydrated and then ground into sugar. This process is using the whole date, minus the pit of course, so it has the same nutrition as a date. There is relatively low processing, keeping it a great option that won’t affect you like refined sugar. You shouldn’t get a huge spike in your blood sugar. Because date sugar is a whole food, it does have fiber in it and may not dissolve like refined sugar. Keep that in mind when using. Date sugar works great for baking needs. You can get it here, at Country Life Natural Foods. I have been buying from them for years and their products are great. When shopping with them use code: THIS JOYFUL LIFE for 10% off your first order.
Sucanat is less processed and more natural than table sugar. It is also more flavorful which means you'll need less to sweeten your dish. It is also more coarse than refined sugar. It is made from the juice of sugar cane and has a hint of molasses flavor. This works well when baking.
According to WebMD.com, “Sucanat could be beneficial to people with diabetes who are not dependent upon insulin. One small study showed that those receiving Sucanat instead of regular sucrose had slightly lower blood sugar readings. The less-refined nature of the Sucanat could have caused it to digest more slowly, lessening the impact on blood sugar.”
Don’t misunderstand, you should limit your sugar intake, but these are great options when you need sugar for baking or cooking.
Here are eight treats that will quiet even the loudest screaming sweet tooth without killing your healthy meal plan:

Nice Cream
These ladies have some amazing recipes when ice cream is your jam and you are looking to ditch the calories and sugar but still have a treat. Their recipes are pretty simple and great to get your kids involved and let them use their imagination for a healthy treat. https://fitfoodiefinds.com/banana-soft-serve-recipes/
Chia or Avocado Pudding
Did you know you can make a smooth, creamy pudding-like dish that has nutrition in it using avocado or chia? These recipes are amazing, and you won’t regret them.
Avocado Pudding recipe: https://www.makingthymeforhealth.com/easy-superfood-chocolate-pudding/
Chia pudding recipe: https://feelgoodfoodie.net/recipe/3-ingredient-chia-pudding/
Baked Apples or Pears
Fruit for dessert is becoming a theme as you see. A fruit dessert is a great way to use fruit and get something sweet into your diet that delights your tastebuds. Slice them, line the pan with the slices, cover with foil, and bake for about twenty minutes at 350 degrees F. The process of baking will dehydrate the fruit and make it sweeter. Add cinnamon or vanilla to add more kick.

Chocolate Dipped Bananas
It’s easy to make this snack. Simply melt a few dark chocolate chips in the microwave for a few seconds, then dip your banana in the silky goodness. During the summer months, try inserting a popsicle stick into each banana, then make them up, and then freeze them overnight. You will be surprised how good they are. Enjoy.
Caramel Date Sauce or Bars
Did you know you can make the best and sweetest fruit dip ever with dates? Try making this date dip, and then you’ll never go back to caramel. I love caramel but this is just so good that I don’t miss the real thing. Also, try this on Nice Cream!
“Caramel” Sauce
1 cup Medjool dates
1/4 cup plant-based creamer (with no sugar)
3/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon salt
Add ingredients to a high-powered food processor and blend until oh-so-creamy.
(Make sure to remove all pits from dates first!)
Baked Sweet Potatoes
In the mood for pie? Just bake a sweet potato in the microwave or the oven and enjoy. Sweet potatoes are good for you and offer natural sweetness and creaminess that requires nothing to be added. They are also high in fiber which means you won’t get that spike in your blood sugar. This may not be a dessert but it can satisfy a sweet tooth.
Oh-So-Sweet But Good-For-You Nut Clusters
Go nuts with these yummy and good-for-you clusters. You can find them and all their ingredients at Country Life Natural Foods. This delicious treat proves that dessert can be good for you.
These swaps are ultimately easier to create and far more healthy when that sweet tooth demands to be heard. Opting for fruits and vegetables instead of processed sugars and carbohydrates can expand your life expectancy and protect your heart health. Be patient as you take your time trying each of these alternative dessert options. Remember, better nutrients matter most in the long run and you can do that one bite at a time.