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We are in the midst of this series, about making healthier choices by swapping out things that will cause health problems for healthier options that will help you live a happier and healthier life. If you have been following and implementing these swaps, then I hope you are seeing the changes in your life. I am proud of you for every single health swap you have made. You should be proud of yourself too, and take time to celebrate. Every change you make will lead to a healthier you!
This entire website is about a holistic lifestyle offering practical living tips for everyday life, whether it be your health, your mindset, your spiritual life, your home, or maybe just encouraging you through a tough time. I truly want you and your family to live a healthy, joy-filled life.
For that reason, I thought it was appropriate that we talk about making healthy swaps for your family. We all want our kids to be healthy and happy. For that reason, I have put together some important tips that will bring your family together while bringing joy and better health to all. Please note that I have not addressed any dietary swaps here though that is important. For a later time my friend.😊
The following are five important lifestyle swaps for a healthier and happier family:
One-On-One Time With Each of Your Kids
It’s no secret that kids need to feel like they matter, and in the busy world we live in it is even more important that our kids know they are important to us. Carving out individual time with every child regularly can let them know this. It is a great way to catch up with them, show them that you are interested in their lives, and reconnect regularly.
Put it on a schedule so they can see it and make sure that it is on your schedule so that you don’t miss this very important date. If you have many children, then maybe time only allows you one on one time once a month, but if you have only one child then maybe you can have weekly time together in your schedule. Your kids know how valuable your time is and this simple act will show them how valuable they are to you.
I have personally seen the benefits of this. My cousin has 4 daughters, he is also one of the best dads I have seen. Each daughter gets a “date” with daddy. He goes all out with flowers and dinner to wherever they choose. He has done this from the time they were old enough to appreciate it. The girls absolutely adore their daddy and love spending time with him.
I did this with my son, even though we homeschooled and were together all the time already. We would go get ice cream together or just do something fun. What you do isn’t as important as the precious time that you spend together. This will strengthen that important bond that you have with your kids. By the way, even now I love and look forward to every chance I get for a “date” with my son even though he is almost done with college. I cherish our conversations and the time spent together. He tells me that he enjoys it too. Lay the groundwork now so that as they grow, your bond will grow and remain.
Swap Screen Time for Family Time
Limiting kids’ screen time is important when growing healthy, smart, well-rounded kids. Just taking away screen time won’t go over well if your kids are used to having full access to screens. Try replacing that screen time with a family activity that everyone can join in on.
One of my family’s go-to family fun favorite things to do is Splash Uno. The cards are waterproof so if food or drink gets spilled on them they are easy to clean. We carry them with us so if we are out to eat we can start a game while waiting on our food. Our games get very competitive with lots of laughter.
You can always go outdoors for some outdoor fun while getting exercise at the same time. For outdoor fun, check out this post from DIY Crafts for hilarious family time.
You could learn something new together as a family. Maybe there is something that your kids want to know more about, let each child pick something and take some time to learn more about it.
Here is one suggestion that was always fun when my son was growing up. Learning doesn’t have to be “schooly”.
Learn about a topic while playing a game. Prof Noggin has SO MANY options; history, science, wildlife, world events, rainforest, etc. You can play it by the rules or come up with your unique way of playing. We would ask each other questions during lunch or even on road trips. Here are just a few of their options.
There are endless options for each family no matter the amount of time you have together or your resources. There is something for everyone.
Be More Active with Your Family
If you don’t already, start visiting parks. Even if you aren’t an outdoorsy family, go visit a playground for 20 minutes, walk a trail, or go on a bike ride. Visit a nature center. On rainy days, go explore your local museum. This is a great family activity to learn something new together and get in some steps.
By your children seeing you active, they will want to join you. It will change your mindset and the mindset of your kids. This will create good habits for your kids to take with them into adulthood.
Practice Gratitude
Do your kids complain a lot? Are you tired of hearing them complain?🙋♀️ Try practicing gratitude.
I have said this before and will say it again: practicing gratitude is the key to happiness. It can change your life and the lives of your family. Set the example, if your kids see you being grateful throughout the day they will learn by your example. The same is true if you complain all the time. Don’t expect your kids to do something different than what they learn from you.
The next time your kids are complaining, try this little trick:
Every time they complain, have them list 3 things they are thankful for. The next time they complain, within that day, have them list 3 NEW things they are thankful for WITHOUT repeating what they had mentioned before. Every time they complain within that day, add 3 NEW things they are thankful for.
Keep this age appropriate. If they are older, have them list 5 things they are thankful for each time. It needs to be not too challenging that they can’t do it but challenging enough that they want to change their behavior and stop complaining right away. Be a good example and make sure that you aren’t complaining. This will work like a charm if you are consistent in using it. Make sure to start new, from the beginning, every day.
I used this with my son, and he learned quickly that he had control over how often he had to do it. After a short time of implementing this, he would have to list his gratitude list once and then he would be done for the day. This is the goal. The result: complain-free home! Win!
You could start a gratitude journal. Get one for you and your kids. You can make one together if your kids are younger or you can each get one and work on them together. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, any notebook will work. Spend time writing in it several times a week or daily, whatever works best for your family. This will show your kids that you put importance on being grateful.
Stop Comparing
Comparing is NEVER a good idea. If your kids are comparing their life to the life of their friends, take measures to stop the habit. Comparison NEVER leads to anything positive. You can always find people that have it better than you, but, you can also find someone that doesn’t have it as well as you do.
Make sure that you are teaching them by example. If they have a bad case of “He/She has it better than I do” syndrome, take time to show them that others have it so much worst.
Volunteer at a homeless shelter, a soup kitchen, or gather supplies for a battered women’s shelter. There are many options here. The point is to show them how much better they have it than others, regardless of your situation.
Applying these five lifestyle swaps will help you to grow happier and healthier kids that are grateful, well-rounded, and think of others. It will also bring you closer as a family as you grow together. The right mindset and routines can make all the difference to a healthier and happier family.
What healthy swaps have you made with your family that has positively impacted you? Comment blow.