June is Fresh Fruit and Veggie Month, a perfect time to get more fruits and veggies in you family’s diet or maybe introduce something new or less familiar. There are so many different ways you can do this. Check out Sneak More Veggies Into Your Family’s Diet for great ideas on adding new ways to incorporate more veggies included baking with veggies.
We know that we need that nutrients from veggies to have optimal health but getting in enough veggies can be hard to do. Here are 3 more tips to get those picky eaters eating healthy.
Create Smoothies that Include Unexpected Veggies and Flavor
Smoothies and juicing are very popular at the moment, but your family may not be on that veggie train yet. If you've tried to get your family to love their veggies and it just isn't working, consider using the smoothie craze as a way to get them excited about snack time.
If your family typically likes fruits over veggies, they won't know that their banana-flavored smoothie also includes some tasty veggies that they can't identify.
Here’s how:
Many veggies are neutral in flavor when paired with strong-tasting fruits. The veggies have all of their nutrients and benefits, but the smoothie tastes like fruit.
If your family loves veggies, you are in luck when making smoothies. There are so many combinations that you can add with fruits and other mix ins. Get creative and create new recipes to share. If you need inspiration, check out a platform like Pinterest for recipes, tips, and tricks for making your smoothies amazing. If your family is against anything green or remotely veggie-like, try adding one of the neutral veggie flavors and load up the fruits for a win-win.
Here are some great fruit and veggie pairings for your next smoothie:
Banana, pineapple, blueberry, and kale- The pineapple and banana will be the predominant flavor and the blueberries will overcome the green color and make the smoothie purple.
Apples, strawberry, spinach, and beet- The predominant flavor will be apple. The beet color will overcome the spinach and the red from the strawberries can take all the credit for the color.
Peaches, avocado, and cinnamon- This peach-pie inspired smoothie combo is perfect for fall. The avocado adds smoothness and takes on the flavor of the peaches and spice.
Kale, spinach, banana, blueberry, and yogurt- Go for extra green with any smoothie that has blueberries and banana. The blueberries mask the green color, the banana takes the lead with flavor, and the yogurt make the smoothie tangy.
Cherry, spinach, and banana- The banana will be the predominant flavor and the cherries will hide the green color of the spinach.
Note: Tomatoes and carrots tend to blend nicely inside a smoothie. Their flavor is nearly undetectable, and they add a lot of nutrients to any smoothie combination.
Smoothies are a great way to get all the benefits from important veggies disguised as a flavorful treat. Combine fruits and veggies and let the fruit take all the credit for the great taste.
Overcome Their Objections
Loving veggies is normal. Most dislikes for veggies is either modeled behavior or a matter of texture. How your mother made your peas influenced your decision to keep eating them or not. To what degree your dad enjoyed broccoli greatly influenced your thoughts about the little green trees. The key to a lifelong love affair with veggies starts young.
If you don't have an affinity for veggies, make changes in your own beliefs and model positive food culture for your family. Let’s take a look at the biggest objections for some common veggies and how to remedy their bad rap.
Common objection- Broccoli tastes horrible!
Remedy- Explore alternative ways to cook broccoli. Instead of steaming or boiling, roast broccoli in garlic olive oil and try this crispier, nuttier-flavored version.
Common objection- Peas and carrots are mushy!
Remedy- Avoid canned veggies. The processes used to preserve the veggies depletes them of their crispness and makes their mouth-feel less appealing. Fresh is always best, but frozen is a good second choice. Don’t overcook your veggies and don't forget to season them well.
Have you tried roasting carrots? Chop carrots in chunks after washing them, mixing with a little avocado oil, and a little salt. Spread them out on a cookie sheet and bake them till tender and they become irresistible.
Common objection- I've hated insert-veggie-here my whole life!
Remedy- Tastes change throughout our lives. What you disliked as a child may be due to preparation or a negative comment from someone you attached to the undeserving veggie. Always be willing to retry things you thought you didn't like and be open to changing your mind. I use to HATE beets! Now, I’ll take roasted beets any day!
Common objection- I am bored with most veggies
Remedy- Be on the hunt for new ways to prepare veggies. Look at international recipes for ethnic ways to prepare veggies you already enjoy but are bored with. Go to restaurants that offer new and exciting versions of veggies and be open to a new preparation.
Get Your Kids Involved With Food Planning
When my son was growing up he was SO PICKY! He wouldn’t even try a new veggie. He had several veggies that he loved eating raw but that was it.
We homeschooled so for part of health class be helped me plan out a menu for a several meals.
He got to plan out the protein, grains, and veggies. I gave suggestions but he was in charge of this meal.
Then we went shopping. He got to hand pick the veggies and that is when he started learning how to pick the perfect veggies.
Then he got to help with fixing the meal. He has been in the kitchen with me since he was born so this was a natural step for him. He was excited to try what he fixed. He was INVESTED in the process. By the way, he is now an amazing cook. He even makes a mean vegan Mac and Cheese that is LOADED with an assortment of veggies.
My son also helped grow veggies in our garden which is another great way to get your kids involved in the process. Check out Surprising Benefits of Gardening and Gardening For Beginners.
Do what you can to make loving veggies easier for your family. Expose your kids to a wonderful rainbow of veggies prepared in multiple ways, and encourage them to try them again and again making new associations with the healthy benefits and tasty textures. Have them be involved in ways that work for your family and cultivate a lifelong love affair with healthy eating.