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Shift Your Mindset to a Healthier Happier You

Writer's picture: Heather Heather

Your mindset has a major impact on your health. To live a healthier life, you need a positive, patient, and forgiving attitude, otherwise, you may sacrifice your health and life expectancy. You can adopt the right mindset for long-term success and fitness with the right tips, tools, and resources at your fingertips.

Here are 8 mindset shifts you need to make to live a longer, healthier, and happier life:

Stop Saying “Never” or “I can’t.”

Filtering every action through these words only creates stress. The stress is what makes it seem like you can’t accomplish your goal, but the truth is, you likely can. Change your words to show that you believe in yourself. For example, just because you might not have the best strength now doesn’t mean you can’t get stronger. It might take patients, but that’s ok.

If you tell yourself that you can’t then you won’t. Are you going to have failures? Sure. But learn from them and move on. I love this quote, “Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness.”― Steve Maraboli

Have a positive attitude

Your attitude can make or break your success whether it is in a new job or in making changes to your health. This quote from Psychology Today is so on point,

“Negativity is a chronic attitude, a pair of emotional glasses through which some people get a cloudy view of the world. Negativity expresses itself in a whining perfectionism, a petulant discontent, or risk-averse naysaying. It's an energy sapper. Negative people may douse the enthusiasm of others but rarely inspire them to action. Negativity certainly ensures that you will not be pleased. You will also not be powerful.”

Have the right attitude so that you can be successful in all your endeavors not just for a healthier you.

Ignore the Finish Line

A healthy lifestyle and diet don’t have a finish line. It is not a race, nor should it be. Research shows that steady weight loss and changing habits long-term increase your chance of being healthy over time. Expecting perfection overnight will only cause you dissatisfaction in the long run. Furthermore, only focusing your time on a potential future or dream prevents you from taking necessary action. Instead of spending all your time imagining what it would be like to “finally be healthy or thin,” start the work today on making it a reality.

Let Go of What You Can’t Control

You can’t control everything, and that is ok. However, you can control yourself and how you respond to a certain situation or others. Dwelling on situations that are completely out of your control only causes more stress and poor choices.

Recognize Your Triggers and Resistance

Instead of ignoring your temptations, discover what prevents you from achieving a healthier lifestyle. Instead of looking at yourself as a failure, dig in deep to find out why you keep missing exercising or overeating. Often these issues are a culprit of something deeper that needs to be healed. Again, talking to yourself with a positive and understanding tone can help you find the true meaning of your actions while finding your solutions.

Make Time Alone a Priority – Never feel guilty about needing alone time. Alone time is a priority for your overall health. When you accept that you need that time, it’s easier to include it without guilt or worry.

Change Your Work Environment to Be More Active

Take the stairs, park further away, ask for a stand-up desk, or walk during meetings instead of sitting down. If you ritualize the change, it’ll make it even easier to ensure that you find ways to be more active. For example, if you want to watch a certain YouTube Show, make it a rule to watch it while walking in place.

Stop Comparing

If you are constantly comparing yourself to others you won’t have the time or energy to concentrate on the changes you need to make for yourself. Everyone is different and life would be boring if we were all the same. Embrace who you are, your flaws and all, and focus on what YOU need to do for a healthier you.

Oftentimes, changing your perspective is all you need to easily make the right decisions to live a healthier and happier life. Instead of looking at your healthy diet from a negative lens, for example, find the positives. Focusing on the negativity will only keep you down and make it easier to give in to your temptations. However, finding the positives and only concentrating on what you can control, such as your food triggers, is the key to adopting the right mindset for a healthier life.

You've got this! I believe in you!


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